Ensuring the connections of the technology system, the information system, the operating system directing to the grassroots level, between education units, and schools into the digitalization network in education. Each student has an individual digital profile on learning (e- IDPFL). Each school and training facility deploys the teaching and learning activities based on the digital environment. Optimizing the learning experience of students in the digital environment. Building the information management system for schools on finance management, asset management, digital library, student management depending on the demands of the school.
Developing the national data in Education, Data are the new resources. Building educational data on the national scale connecting to the digital government. Prioritizing the data supporting online learning, data on environmental science and Earth, data on human development, data on students at all levels, data on jobs after training, data on the prediction of the human resources demand connecting to business data and banks.
Developing the digital application to serve students and families; interactive information in education policy; school and family information; transparent information about educational finance; information of learning, enrollment, job placement, and career guidance. Intelligent educational assistants apply AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology in learning management, financial management, study counseling and ensure instant information connections between school and parents to manage the learning situations of their children.
Modernizing and digitizing the library system in schools as a premise to digitize the school, provide a digital environment to study at any place and time, bring the classroom to home, and bring teachers closer to the student’s education at home. The technological library and the digital library are the environments for teachers and lecturers to join in the digital environment faster, attend to the development of digital resources, and personalize student education on a digital basis.
Developing the friendly technology platform can be shared among schools and education units to diversify the lifelong learning demands, the demands of diversifying knowledge, and the role of teachers in the industrial revolution trend 4.0; the open courses MOOC, online courses, individual courses in group, individual courses by topics, practical career courses (on the job training).
Online training centers connect the teachers (the teachers, lecturers of schools, and university students with expertise having demands of being tutors) and the learners (students and people who need to gain more knowledge) carried out in the tutoring 1-1 model on the online platform.
Digitizing educational trade helps parents, students, and users to approach advanced and modern educational products and services through the connection with e-commerce partners, educational equipment, and learning materials.
Developing active competition in education carried out in the form of online competitions helps students and parents have the chance to access the information and knowledge. Besides, it also creates a playground outside the classroom for students to develop thinking and social knowledge.
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